Some random pictures from the Gwangju Folk Museum, because everyone wants to see lots of pictures of things that aren't my hamster.
It's 1230 am, I had dinner an hour ago. This new schedule is throwing me for a massive loop. I go to bed around two, drag my butt out of bed around 10, crawl onto skype and drink coffee from an animal mug while conversing with people from home. So far my skype dates have been limited to my parents, Josh, and Ashley, I know there are more of you out there! If we video chat you get to see the famous butterfly wallpaper!
Also, if anyone loves me and wants to send me some bisquick and hamburger helper... I'll pay you in love!
With Mr. Lee's help I have a mattress pad coming to me in the near future, very excited about getting a squishy and comfortable night's sleep! So far this week has been very low stress, I have four recording periods, which is where I sit around and write short scripts that will later be recorded and given to the students as speaking tests. This means I only have two classes, and they are my two favorites: my 4th graders and my favorite 6th graders. The 4th graders are very strong students and so much fun. One girl gave me a gift the other day, a little pink bar of soap shaped like a baby shoe! My 6th graders are all so nice and most of them are very strong students. We went over nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and proper nouns in class, and then today I had them diagram a few sentences. After about three sentences I stopped, but with time left in class they asked if they could do more! They LOVED diagramming sentences.
I'm all set up with a bank account and debit card, now I just need to get paid so that I have money to live off of and to buy a cellphone with! I'm working on being more frugal, I found a reusable water bottle in the apartment which I've been filling at school as opposed to buying water every day, making coffee at home instead of buying it daily (also cutting back on my caffeine intake!) and cooking. I'm already an established cook, I know my way around a kitchen and I know how to make some tasty food, but I'm really, really enjoying cooking for myself and experimenting. I made rice pudding the other night (it was quasi successful),and have been making cheesy garlic toast as a favorite snack. Tonight for dinner I made some spaghetti and to make it a little more exciting I heated up the sauce with some shrimp, gouda cheese, mozzarella cheese, and dill. It was fantastic! I try to make enough so that I have left overs and can get a lunch out of it too. I actually really, really need to go grocery shopping again. I guess this is good news for me, if bad news for you readers, but my life has gotten into a fantastic little routine and is working towards becoming all normal and mundane. I of course find this awesome, I've been looking forward to living on my own and being all mundane and self-sufficient since high school. Language classes start on September 13th. My grasp of the alphabet is great, so hopefully I will have a decent time learning Korean. All I really want is to be able to communicate on some base level, I don't expect fluency.
Well, I guess that's all the news from here, at least on my end of things! Take care everyone!