I ended up getting "kidnapped" yesterday, and it was kinda awesome.
For whatever reason I was massively stressed out by Friday, and my solution was to leave work as soon as I was done, go down town, and sit in a coffee shop and write for about an hour and a half. After destressing I wandered around for a few minutes before deciding to catch a taxi.
Which is when I was ambushed by Lori and Petra, who offered to take me out for dinner as a thank you for helping get Sandy to Cambodia. We went to this awesome restaurant. It was KINDA like a hibachi, except that every table had their own grill and you did the cooking yourself. You got some raw pork which you cooked on the coals and then wrapped up in leaves (yum sesame leaves!). Lori and Petra were talking about exploring some of the nightlife in Sangmu (a district of Gwangju... think NYC with Queens, the Bronx, etc.). At an unholy hour in the morning we crawled back to Petra's apartment and all passed out.
This afternoon (still with Lori and Petra) we went to see Inception. I thought it was an excellent movie, but this is not a movie review blog, this is a living in Korea blog. Fortunately I learned some cool factoids about Korean culture during my movie viewing experience!
- Korean movie theaters have assigned seating
- You can get popcorn... or you can get fried squid bites! (didn't get either)
- Most western movies come to theaters with Korean subtitles (which further proved my reading abilities!)
- Even the movie tickets are super cutsey and covered in flowers.
Speaking of cutsey, I bought toilet paper that is decorated with little purple giraffes, because apparently you cannot get just plain white toilet paper in Korea! Well that's all for tonight!
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