Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm back!

Ok, so, first things first. My internet connection is all better now. There was an unnecessary connection box that was messing it up, but it's all hooked up correctly now. We'll see if this holds out. The fun part is that he didn't speak English and had to call Mr. Lee to communicate.

I decided to try bribing my classes this week. I've discovered I like baking, so I told them the class that loses the least amount of minus points would get cookies. it was the best behaved I've seen them. That might have had something to do with the fact that most of the problem children have been transferred out of the my classes. It was a little annoying that I had NO warning about the kids leaving my classes, and that one of them I was finally making progress, and now it's all gone. But what can you do? Fun connecting note the guy came to fix the internet connection while I was in the middle of baking, so that was fun.

I did not go to the Kimchi festival yesterday. I wanted to sleep in, badly, I've been exhausted all week. That plan failed a bit because my body decided to wake up at, like 7 am, but I still tried. I did however go to the "Foreigner Dinner" last night, with Hannah and Mieka and DuYeon. I met some cool people there. The dinner was good, I was a problem child again because it was pork, but I don't eat it so I got these really good, spicy, cold noddles. I think I made some good new friends! Especially this one woman, Ellen, from CA, I see myself hanging out with her sometimes. YAY! Anyway, moving on. After dinner a group of us went for drinks and I ended up staying out really late, just talking with this awesome group of men from America, England, Ireland, South Africa and I think I'm forgetting a country. Oh, and for some of it there was a Korean man there who had pretty good English, knew MunHwa fairly well, and knew Tyrone. He was fun to talk to. But by the end of the night it was me, Seth (the other American), two Irishmen and two Englishmen. The conversation was amazing! We talked about everything from history, to politics. I got into a rather long conversation with one about tennis and soccer. It was a fun night, I'm glad. Everyone was so nice, and open, and welcoming. And I finally made contact with the guy who does the Running club here and joined that Facebook group, so now I have people to run with at least one day a week.

Apparently the Kimchi festival runs for a few days. And I'm going this afternoon, I think, with some of the guys I met last night. I'm kinda excited about that.

I can't think of anything else to say, other than the fact that I highly encourage everyone to take a couple days, unplug the internet and just exist without it for a few days a least. As much as I disliked not being in contact with my friends, not having it was actually a pretty good thing. I ended up liking it a lot, haha. That's all.


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