Mieka, Angel, and Hannah in front of what I am told is the only Hangul Starbucks sign.
I went to Seoul for Lunar New Year. The highlight of this trip was going to the aquarium, seeing the awesome fish, and the sample fish manicure tank. Basically you stick your hands in a tank and then what appears to be your standard Chinese algae eaters suck off all your dead skin. Was it the best thing ever? Yes. Will I be finding a spa that will let me cover ever exfoliatable inch of skin in fish? Absolutely. Is anyone surprised? If you are, I'm thinking you're one of Lyn's friends, not mine.
So Seoul was fun. Did some shopping, found pants that fit me, and checked out the main areas of Seoul. We stopped to get tea in a little tea house, which was awesome. The tea was very delicious, and even though it was somewhat traditional, it was nice because they didn't make you sit on the floor (which I still find to be very uncomfortable!). We skipped over the museums and the palaces on this visit.
One of the best parts of the trip was a breakfast stop at a place called The All American Diner, where I was able to get a super tasty Belgian waffle.
Intensives are now over so it's back to the 4-9 schedule. My least favorite 5th grade class has been removed, which makes my life a little easier. Of course, these past two days have been really hard given that I am, yet again, sick.
I'll have to update everyone on the whole saga when it concludes, but the long and short of it is that I keep getting spontaneous fevers (two in the past two weeks) and when I take deep breaths it burns. So I figured I'd do myself a favor and go see a doctor. Basically you have to go to a hospital here, "going to the hospital" is completley synonymous with "going to the doctor's." So I made the attempt today at the same place we had our health checks done, and if I may be frank, Chonam University Hospital is the most frighteningly unorganized medical institution I ever did see... I have an appointment for 11am tomorrow... so let's see if round two yields any results... or if they actually let me see a doctor this time...
That's about it. I hope everyone in the states is enjoying the snow, we never did get our One Good Snow Storm here in Gwangju, and now it's up in the 40s.
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