Friday, July 30, 2010

Kim Chi: 김치

(Due to the 'family friendly' nature of this blog, I will not be talking about the unique Korean cultural experience that was drinking fruit soju in a really cute little box in a soju house thing. Hi Grandma!)

Teaching has been going well, overall. I won't gripe about it, the complaints I have are mostly related to a few individual students (and a collective conspiracy to not do homework) but these are things that anyone in the education industry probably knows exactly what I'm talking about. So I won't really go into it now (I'm also really tired, but it is absolutely not because Sandy and I stayed up til 5am... Hi Mom!)

Speaking of Sandy, I moved into her apartment the night Lyn got here and was crashing in the guest room. Today Sandy official moved out and I finally unpacked all my stuff and am getting settled in to MY apartment. I'll post pictures of the wallpaper later, because it's fantastic. It's a little weird to be honest, doesn't really feel like home yet, especially since I inherited so much stuff (which is awesome for my wallet, so no complaints). There's a trip to Emart in my near future to stock up on some essentials and some items to make this place feel more homey.

We get a five day weekend for vacation, which I will most likely spend getting ready to begin round two of grad school applications... not the funnest thing to do while in Korea, but it does mean I get to go to the folklore museum. Well, I need some sleep! Also, thanks to evvery one who has commented (both on and off the blog) about how much they enjoy reading! It's great to know there's an audience!


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