Sunday, August 22, 2010

Longer post to explain prior one

So, I meant to write this about 5 hours ago, but I got distracted. Anyway, on Friday the AC at work died. Lori was the first to notice because her classroom is apparently a little hotter then ours most of the time. So she came down and told Mr. Lee it was broken in her room. The next period I noticed mine wasn't working either, but it wasn't too bad. By my second Grade 6 class, though, it was horrible. Never again will any of us under-value our AC. Fridays are test days for my classes, so I didn't have to do anything too much in class, and I ended up letting my last two classes go early because it was too hot to function. Some of the students in my last class, my Grade 7s, stayed because they wanted me to grade their tests right there. So I left later than Hannah, she saw me walking and I missed that bus and had to wait for a later one, which wasn't too bad. I got ice cream because it was too hot.

On Saturday we had Hannah's housewarming party. It was really fun, I got to meet the other Foreign English teachers who Hannah had already met. It was cool to meet them. It was a tiny bit awkward because most of them have known each other for a year or so, so they reminisced a bit during the party, but on a whole it was fun. We had plans to see Toy Story 3 today, but nobody knew if it was playing, or where, so they got canceled. Instead, Hannah and I had a lazy day. We did a load of laundry in the afternoon, then I stole her at night for a night of cream soup, garlic baguette, crackers, and the original Karate Kid movie. It glitched a bit so we're finishing that tomorrow after work.

As Hannah mentioned, tomorrow our schedule goes back to the 4-9 schedule. For those of you who are used to talking to us after school, this may happen a little less, we'll see (maybe just for me, I can't really speak for Hannah...). I get to keep all my classes, I'm a little excited, but at the same time there are a lot of kids who drive me up a wall. I think I'm getting through to them, but that's because I'm very strict and don't make exceptions. I wish I could be a little less strict, I hate being so mean, but it's what gets through to them, so I'll go with it. Oh well, that's it for the night, I'm done grading, I know what I'm doing tomorrow, so I'm going to read for a while.


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